
Books: Magnaghi, Russell M. A Sense of Time: The Encyclopedia of Northern Michigan University. Marquette: Northern Michigan University Press, 1999.
Magnaghi, Russell M. John X. Jamrich: The Man and the University Marquette: Center for Upper Peninsula Studies, 2014. Documents:
Academic Information Services (AIS) Dean’s Subject Correspondence Files. US13-20. Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University.
Academic Information Services, Subject and Correspondence File. US97-16. Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University. ASNMU Opinion Poll Report Library and Learning Resources Center. 2 May 1980. MSS-192, Box 9, Folder 4. Associated Students of Northern Michigan University (ASNMU) Records.
Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University.
Board of Control- Minutes. April 29, 1988. US15.62, Box 2. Board of Control Minutes (Boards, Commissions, and Committees Records). Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University.
Henderson, Roberta M. Papers. Marquette, Michigan.